Declaration for Divorce Registration Application

Both of us hereby make the following solemn declaration for our divorce registration application:


Name (male):                      Nationality:                   

Date of Birth:        (DD/MM/YY) Ethnic group:         Occupation:          

Educational background:                ID card number:                    

Registered permanent residence:                                              


Name (female):                       Nationality:                     

Date of Birth:        (DD/MM/YY) Ethnic group:         Occupation:          

Educational background:                ID card number:                    

Registered permanent residence:                                              


We made the registration for marriage on             (DD/MM/YY). The registration number of our marriage certificates is                  . Now we apply for divorce due to                                                 .


We apply for divorce at our free will and have signed the divorce agreements after reaching a consensus on issues of children bringing-up, property and liability.


We swear that all the information given in this declaration is true, and accept all the legal responsibilities for any falsehood.


Declared by:                    Date:                     (DD/MM/YY)

                   Date:                     (DD/MM/YY)


Witnessed by:                    Date:                     (DD/MM/YY)

(Note: The declarer should sign this declaration in the presence of the witness.)