
男方姓名 Name of Man:
出生年月 Date of Birth :
民族Nation : 身份证号ID: 住址:
女方姓名Name of Woman :
出生年月Date of Birth:
民族Nation: 身份证号ID: 住址:
双方于XX年XX月XX 日在XXXX办理结婚登记手续。
We both on August XXth of XXyear obtained the legal marriage registration in XXXX Province.
Now because both sides have cultural and character differences, which have caused both husband and wife completely not able to live together anymore, both sides have decided to enter into the following agreement of divorce:
1. Both sides agree to dissolve the marriage voluntarily.
Division of Property
Both sides agree they can have their own respective income.
Both sides have confirmed they do not have any other common creditor’s rights of debts.
After the divorce agreement becomes effective, the parties cannot disturb each other’s life, cannot betray each other’s personal privacy to anyone, and cannot ruin each other’s reputation.
Both the man and the women shall have complete civil capacity; they can dispose their property by themselves.
After both sides sign the agreement, it will have legal effect when the effective legal documents have taken effect.
This agreement is in triplicate, both sides shall hold one copy, the marriage registration department will keep one copy.
Man男方:               Woman女方:
年 月 日                                                                              年 月 日
Y M D                                                                                  Y M D