
近日,赵律师代理的MARK 在美国离婚判决在中国法院申请承认,获法院支持。赵律师代理案件中通过邮件等便捷的通讯方式,对MARK 进行指导,让其在中国驻美国使领馆做了相关文件的公证认证。使得这个跨国涉外案件顺利完成达成客户预期。

Recently, MARK, represented by Lawyer Zhao, applied for recognition in a Chinese court for divorce judgment in the United States and received court support. Lawyer Zhao provided guidance to MARK in the case through convenient communication methods such as email, allowing him to notarize and authenticate relevant documents at the Chinese embassy and consulate in the United States. Ensure the smooth completion of this cross-border foreign-related case and meet customer expectations.